Site Meter On the Road in 2006 (continued): Sunrise RV Resort, Apache Junction, AZ - Jan 1-7 On the Road in 2006 (continued): Sunrise RV Resort, Apache Junction, AZ - Jan 1-7
  • Continued from previous page
  • Saturday, January 7, 2006


    Sunrise RV Resort, Apache Junction, AZ - Jan 1-7

    This park is also owned by the same company (Robert's Ranch) as the last two, and we had a $10/night coupon for our week here. The initial spot we were assigned to not only required backing in a S-curve down a side road, but we would have wound up 20 feet from one of the busiest streets in town, so we requested and obtained a different site. One of the "strangenesses" we have had to get used to as RVers is being put in the Pet Area of RV parks since we have cats, even though Pet Area pretty much means Dog Area, since they lump them all together close to the Dog Walk to minimize complaints about barking. So we get stuck in there with our cats who never go outside and never make a peep (OK, Amber whines all the time, but you can't hear her outside). Here we got put in a very small detached pet section, with no close neighbors and consequently no barking dogs. Quite a pleasant change!

    Speaking of cats, January 1 is our anniversary, and we discovered that "Cats" was playing on the ASU campus that day, so we called and were able to get tickets. We both enjoyed it immensely. I have always felt that "Cats" was far superior to Webber's other super-hit "Phantom of the Opera" which just passed "Cats" in length of run. "Phantom" relies too heavily on special effects and the music is too repetitive and, in my opinion, rather lame.

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